Thursday, October 16, 2014

Discover the 5 key skills of the Network Marketing Professional


“Succeeding in network marketing said Tracy Biller, requires specific education that is learned through competent, effective, and repetitive training. There is no other way unless you are relying on luck - and that's a foolish thing to do.” 

 But most newbies (those who are new to the industry) get into this industry with the hopes of making R5, 000 to R10, 000 a month and more.

However as a newbie, they have no clue how
to make the big money. They do not know what they need to know in order for them to make the big money, and they shouldn't be expected to.

Unfortunately most network marketers receive inferior training, but they don't even know they received inferior training. They don't know that they don't know.
Of course, the result of having received inferior training (or no training) is failure. 

If there's something you want to accomplish, such as earning R10, 000 or more a month in network marketing, then you must receive competent and effective training. And you must apply what you learn.
Here are 5 key skills you will want to study, learn, perfect and master to reach the level you want. Study them, learn them and teach them to your team:

     1. Invitation
You’ll be inviting people to a TOOL (DVD, blog, a story, a brochure), a 3rd party.
Why tools are powerful?
Because it holds the power of the 3rd party, your friends, your people knows you are not an expert (yet)
Your job is to CONNECT the prospects to the 3rd party, a TOOL
Practice, drill and rehearse what to say.

2. Business Presentation
Use third party tools – always to share the business.
“If your lips are moving, you need to be pointing, reading, introducing or telling a story”

3. Follow up
Pros follow up, hopers or posers wait for their prospect to make the move. And they wait and wait and wait. Be passionate and excited and once the tool is over, ask – What did you like the most about what you saw?  Sound like you are ready to get started
Be prepared for questions and objections

4. Enroll / sign up - or helping with the decision
Simply ask them to join! I would really love to work together on this project. Will you join the team and let’s get started?
On a scale of 1 – 10
What is standing in your way of joining the team today?
Be prepared for them to say yes!

5. launching your new team partner or Plug in to Training (the new recruit)
Congratulate them and let them know they have made a good decision.
Set their expectations – handling shutdowns.
Getting started checklist – do they know what to do first? What will they do first? Products, tools, list…
Launch plan – how will they get first customers and distributors?
Start a 90 day game plan

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