Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Why You Need A 90 Day Plan To Skyrocket Your Business?


Do you have a game plan?

You need to have a 90-day plan if you want to see results in your network marketing business.
Start implementing a 90 – Day Blitz Plan as quickly as possible in your business helps you to get committed to taking consistent action for 90 days; it helps you to lay a solid foundation for your business success in months and years to come
 But why a 90 day plan? 
3 out 4 people who quit MLM do so within the first 90 days. A solid duplicatable Getting Started Training system can impact retention. A duplicatable GST system ensures all new down line enter the same way – the right way!
The aim is to put the new rep to taste success as fast as possible, and to be at a Supervisor or Manager level.
Here’s an example of the step-by-step System that you can simply apply to start making money quickly!

1. Connect
2. Contacting & Inviting to DVD presentation (online, send the link. Offline, send the DVD)
3. Follow-up
4. Enroll
5. Plug in to Training (the new recruit)

This 5-step cycle is what determines the duplication velocity of your entire organization. The faster this series is completed, the faster your group grows.

“Your ability to get a large group of people to do a few simple things consistently over an extended period of time” is the formula for financial independence in network marketing.

It’s all about being consistent over a 90-day period through out the year while building the momentum of your business.

“The clearer you are about what you want, the more motivated and determined you will be to accomplish it.” ~ Brian Tracy

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” ~ Yogi Berra

“People with a goal succeed because they know where they are going!” ~ Earl Nightingale

“You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life.” ~ Les Brown
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1 comment:

  1. Absolutely true. This will come in handy. Great plan. Brings some clarity, thank you.
