Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Daily Breakthrough: 5 Ways to Boost Your Blog's Traffic

The Daily Breakthrough: 5 Ways to Boost Your Blog's Traffic: Thanks for reading! Because of you, our blog is more popular than ever. As a show of appreciation, here are some of our best tips to help in...

The Daily Breakthrough: 25 "Must Know" Copywriting Tips

The Daily Breakthrough: 25 "Must Know" Copywriting Tips: 1. Your headline's job is to get someone to read the first sentence. 2. The job of the first sentence is to get someone to read the res...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Five Biggest Mistakes In Network Marketing

The biggest problem with Network Marketing is that many people get involved without knowing exactly what they are getting involved with. If you are one of the ones who truly want to make the most of your Network Marketing business and enjoy all the benefits that comes along with being successful as a home based business owner, then this post will be of great interest to you. 
1.       Not working your business
Most newbies in this industry think once they have joined a network marketing company, then their dream has come true. They mostly join a company because of the hype or excitement of starting their own home based business but they have absolutely no intention of doing any work.
This is what some call the “lottery mentality,” which means pay your money and then hope you “win” and start earning commissions out of thin air. Of course, this doesn’t happen! If you are not willing to put in the extra effort to achieve your goals, you shouldn’t have joined the network marketing business in the first place.  I said before, network marketing work if you do. It’s like there’s work in the net. Keep working your business; do every day one thing that gets you closer to your goals.

2.       Making false claim or creating hype
Never make false claim about your products or your company in order to sell your products or to have people join you. Unfortunately so many networkers make claims as if they’re a sort of MD’s or GP’s or their products can cure HIV/AIDS. Stop making false claim, it will only come back to haunt you.
3.       Don’t convince, beg or chase people to join your opportunity.
In this business we are looking for highly motivated people, people who are hungry for success, people with an entrepreneurial spirit.  So the key is to find people with the right mental attitude.
If someone refuses to join you and after some follow ups he’s still negatively to your offer, move on.  To succeed here you must love the word next…next….next.., till you find the right person. If you beg or try to convince someone to join you it reduces your credibility and instills doubts in your prospects mind about the opportunity. Don’t be so desperate, they’re people out there who are looking for the opportunity you are offering.
4.       Taking the salesperson approach
Before you start prospecting you should ask yourself if you joined a network marketing company to become a salesperson or a telemarketer.
5.       Giving Up Too Soon.
If a person starts a traditional business, he or she can expect to break even in three years and hopefully pay back their initial investment in the first five years.
When someone starts a Network Marketing business, they expect to get their money back in the first month, turn a profit in the second month and quit their job in the third month. When this doesn’t happen, they say the industry doesn’t work.
Anything worthwhile takes time so it’s important that you don’t give up too soon.
If you want to be successful in Network Marketing you can’t start out by having false expectations. Like any business, Network Marketing works if you do!   

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