Friday, June 26, 2015

The System is Your Savior, not the products or the company

Most people, even the moderately successful ones in Network Marketing, don't have a system.  It's because they built a network based upon their sales talents, or because they give great meetings, or simply their sheer strength of personality
What these people do works.  It just doesn't duplicate.  They work hard and mean well, but the average person cannot duplicate what they are doing to build their business. 

People who duplicate use a system.  They have a step-by-step process for how to approach people, what marketing materials to use, how to enroll people, train them, etc.

A system gives you security, it helps you build depth faster, and most importantly, it allows you to leverage your time and talents for maximum effect.  It gives you the opportunity to bring in people who can replace you quickly
The true success of your business comes from training other people to replace yourself.  And then teach them how to teach their people the same thing.  This is when you can get some tremendous exponential growth taking place.
The secret of a system is that every stage of the business building process is spelled out.  So anyone who joins the network can follow the same successful process that brought him or her in, instead of having to go through a trial and error scenario.
This also makes the business work for people who are not natural sales types, and have fear of rejection.  In other words, it is more duplicable for more people.

Having an effective system is so important. Systems ARE duplicatable because they level the playing field for everyone. People don’t join a company; they join you, which mean you will have a massive impact on your sponsoring success. In the end, when it comes to MARKETING a business opportunity, your results will eventually fall onto your shoulders…
Your system should completely delineate and spell out the entire process that a distributor will follow from where to find prospects, how to approach them, how to sponsor them, and how to train them to reach the higher advancement ranks.  Each stage in this process should be written down somewhere, and taught to the distributor at the appropriate time.

Do you have personal value to offer this new person? Are you a leader? Will they gain power by associating with you? Do you have an effective system in place that everyone who joins you or your team will follows, regardless of their geographical location, gender, race or age?
Do you have a system that teaches people how to promote, follow up, build a customer base, recruit, launch a new Team member, start a 90 day plan etc…
Your ability to get a large group of people to do a few simple things consistently over an extended period of time is the formula for financial independence in network marketing

Without a duplicatable system, you are setting up your new recruits for failure instead of success.
“Those individuals who grows their businesses by teaching their Team a system that is duplicable will be the ones who experience the power of exponential growth and residual income in network marketing” Richard Pole. The breakdown of the six key elements that should be included in your system to provide strong duplication is what we learn at the extreme team