Friday, June 6, 2014


The next thing to do is sponsor the new recruit. Meaning pointing that person to the right direction; Making sure they get guidance; Helping them move to the right direction; assisting them ; Giving them some training immediately ;And that require some responsibilities.

Unfortunately most people jump after the next person, running to push their rank and leaving the new recruit in the cold hoping they will figure it out and do it on their own.

Without the proper guidance, proper training, without the strategies to prospects, to generate leads, to recruit, to sponsor, to follow up, in brief without the marketing system, or a 90 day blitz plan, the new recruit who have no idea how to go about network marketing will do it alone and will soon get lost, confused, and quit, and one of the reasons why many network marketers fail to make money.

By the same token, the recruiter who just throw people in and keeping his fingers cross that they will do something will always have a dissolving down lines, and in the long run they won’t be any down line at all.

If you want a stable down line, don’t forget the importance of helping the new recruit get going
And a fact is, you can’t do it alone. You can’t succeed in this industry without a strong and positive mentor behind you. In fact, we all need mentors in our lives. Even the most successful people have had mentors who helped them to be where they are today.

If you are very serious about building a successful business and creating an amazing lifestyle for yourself,
Maybe a mentor is what you need right now to take your business to the next level… I could be the mentor you’re looking for… I could be… If you’re looking for a mentor then you’re at the right place .
But remember— I DO NOT work with anybody and everybody… I am quite selective with whom I choose to work with. I only work with those that are SERIOUS, HARD-WORKING, TEACHABLE, GO-GETTERS, DRIVEN AND MOTIVATED and those who are determined to change their current circumstances and will not let anything stand in their way. And I can only mentor 20 people at a time.

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