Tuesday, April 22, 2014


"That’s too expensive “is one of the main objection that you’ll face every day in your network marketing business.
However, most network marketers are not prepared in advance to answer this question. If you don’t’ know what to say, when in front of the customer, it’s too late.
Prepare in advance what you’ll say, so that when the moment comes, it will roll off your tongue and you’ll enjoy the conversation. Once your prospect comes back with: “that’s too expensive”, how do you currently reply to that?
First you have to create value in the mind of your prospects so that when you reveal your price they actually think you were going to come out with something much larger.
The only way to reply to it is to find out just how “too expensive” it really is.
Here’re some approaches that you can try:
·         What price can you afford?
·         What would you be willing to pay?
·         What did you have in mind?
·         How much too expensive is it?
·         If the price wasn’t the issue would you go with what we have covered?
Once you get to know the ball park figures you are working with, you can then think about what deal you could offer your prospect in term of:
·         Price
·         Discount
·         Credit terms
·         Added value products and services
·         Support.

You know that the price objection is a frequent flyer so you have no excuses not to be ready for it.If you would like me to talk to you about how I could help your network marketing business to explode to greater heights, please do not hesitate to contact me and we’ll set something up.

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