Monday, April 14, 2014

Don’t join a network marketing company if you are looking for a quick fix.

Network marketing is about building long-term residual income. It has nothing to do with making a lot of money fast and upfront. It has to do with making a little more money each month over a long-term. You join to create a business that would pay you for the rest of your life whether you worked or not.

This business model isn’t designed for making quick money. It is designed for long-term financial freedom. Even if you don’t make very much money when you start, fix your eyes on your destination.  The payday is coming. Be patient and persistent, it’ll paid off over the long term.
Most people join a network marketing company for the wrong reasons; they think network marketing is FREE money.

To succeed here you need to be a business builder not a get rich quick seeker; and that’s why many networkers change companies, they jump to every next big thing, hoping and praying to get rich in a few months, without work, effort and resilience. They don’t know that if you want something for free, you will end up getting nothing for free.

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