Friday, April 18, 2014

Do You Date People The Same Way You Prospect Them?

Opening a potential customer’s mind to your offering is like going on a first date said Kim Klaver [If My product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?]. Remember your first date? You open the kimono just a little, then pause and wait for the response. You don’t strip down right off, do you? … So, tell them just enough to whet their appetite. Let THEM ask for a next date. When you were looking for a potential partner, or if you are right now, did you look for the most desperate, clingy, and needy person you could find?  Probably not. Chances are, you were looking for someone who had a lot to offer in terms of common interests and character traits that you thought were important.

Getting quality prospects to line up to buy your products and join your business opportunity is actually the same.  Unfortunately they have been a bunch of network marketers who just can’t stop talking how their products or opportunity are the best thing since slice bread machine. If all you do is incessantly pitch people that comes across as very desperate and that’s why most people end up getting poor quality people in their down line if they have any, they get opportunity seekers, get rich quick seekers, wannabes, instead of getting, leaders ,  business builders.

Stop pitching people around, stop sounding desperate. By doing so you will recruit desperate people who won’t last 90 days in this business; desperate strategies bring desperate people. Get training and education; learn new skills, if you want to have a long lasting business that generates residual income. The truth is leaders are readers. What books are you reading right now? Check out these  books on this blog to get the training, skills  and  education that’s needed  if you are serious about creating a business that would pay you for the rest of your life whether you work or not. 

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