Wednesday, December 3, 2014

10 Ways To Find Customers For Your Network Marketing Business

After joining a Network Marketing Company, many distributors quickly discovers that the most difficult part of starting a home business is finding customers.

Having a great product or service that you are sure many people will need isn't good enough. Customers won't find you or your web site just because you have started selling the best juice or service.

If you're having trouble finding clients, here are several suggestions to get you started
Before you can find new customers and increase sales, you need to understand

·         Who your customer is, what value proposition you offer to customer, Build a profile of likely potential customers - in particular, think about what they want and how you can appeal to them. Always aim to be special or offer better value for money than your competitors

·         Know your target active customer base. Focus on people who will buy your products monthly as a consumer because they love the products for its health benefits. Only by having an active customer base can you maximize your bonuses.

·         Find Out Who Your Current Customers Are

·         Defining the Market for Your Product

·         Use the information about your existing customers to develop a target audience for your business in its drive to win new customers and increase sales. 

·         Determine which key messages, features and benefits matter to each potential market. Tell these customers how your business can help them solve their problems.

·         Sell More to Existing Customers

·         Give a little to get a lot. Give away free samples of your product and ask the recipients to tell their friends if they are pleased
·         Work your personal network. Ask your contacts if they know of people who can use your products/ services, or people who may know others who could use your products/ services.

·         Networking and referrals. Landing referrals from networking or past business associations isn't just a cheap way to pick up new business. It's also a way to pick up customers with the highest retention rates. What's more, referral customers tend to purchase more over time and in turn become a source of additional referrals.

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