Sunday, December 28, 2014

Is starting a network marketing business one of your top goals in 2015?

Here are the five facts to network marketing success             

FACT: You must have a defined game plan – a series of “90-day blitzes” – if you are going to succeed in network marketing. If you don’t have a game plan, then you will fail.

FACT: Working hard is irrelevant if your strategies and tactics are flawed.
Working hard in and of itself won’t cause you to succeed in network marketing. Millions of network marketers have worked their fingers to the bone, and failed miserably.

FACT: Working long hours is irrelevant if your strategies and tactics are flawed. Working long hours in and of itself won’t cause you to succeed in network marketing. Millions of network marketers have worked long hours and failed miserably.

FACT: You must learn how to lead a large and productive Team

FACT: MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: The success you achieve in network marketing is determined by the quality of the training you receive, and that which your Team receives. The training you and your Team receive must be competent, effective, and repetitive. If it is not, then it is a guarantee that you will fail. Bad training will cause you to fail. On the other hand, competent, effective, and repetitive training puts the odds of success in your favor; it accelerates and empowers the business-building process, and thus causes your success to happen much quicker.

In other word, the network marketing training you receive is what “makes or breaks” your business.

Regardless of how much money you want to earn as a network marketer –R5000, R10000, or R25000 a month – the success you achieve in network marketing is directly determined by the training you and your Team receive.

Succeeding in network marketing requires that you and your Team receive competent, effective, and repetitive training – and you apply what you learn. There are no exceptions.

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