Thursday, December 11, 2014

4 Simple Follow-Up Strategies To Explode Your Network Marketing Business

Do you have an effective follow up system?
Ever wonder why some people make money in network marketing and others don't? Aren't you curious to know why someone can repeatedly get things cranked up, while other people simply struggle? Obviously...there are reasons. of the BIGGEST reasons why some people crank out big checks, and have so many team members do the same is that they have a system. And having an effective follow up strategy is one of the most important things to master in network marketing. 

Spending too much time chasing the wrong people will sink you.
Ever wondered what exactly to say to prospects on the follow-up call after you've exposed them to either a video or audio, brochure or link about your network marketing business? Many people struggle with what to say, what questions to ask, or how to go for the close when talking to prospects. Well, it is so much simpler than people are led to believe.

If you want to explode your business then here’s a simple 4 steps Follow-Up Strategies

1.         Building rapport, trust

Ask some F.O.R.M Questions:

2.         Did you get a chance to watch the video/go through the info , the link i sent you
A)        YES:

YOU: Great! What did you like best about what you saw?

YOU: Awesome! What else did you like?

B)        NO: If they respond on the negative

YOU (1): Ok, but was there anything you did like about what you saw?


YOU: Do you see how [what they said they like] could help you to [achieve his goal]?

IF NO: Understand that person might not be fit for you, move on.

YOU (2): I understand what you say, but the most important lesson I learnt in life was to get what you have never had, you must do what you have never done. The only way you are going to achieve your dreams is if you are willing to have a go at them. I’m offering you the tools and support to help get you there. It’s obvious that you are passionate about [EXTRA MONEY /THEIR DREAM] and you definitely appear to have the qualities that we are looking for. If you are willing to give [achieve their dreams, making extra money] a go, I’d love to get you started.

3.         What questions do you have?

Answer must be short and brief,

4.         Closing

Welcome aboard
I cannot wait to help you achieve [that goal]/ I’m glad to have you started / I’m so excited to have you meet some of our Team members / welcome aboard, so glad to have you/ I cannot wait to work with you ………

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